Book Now for Tour 2025 !


komodo labuan bajo - 4
Trip Raja Ampat 2024
Trip Waerebo 2024
Trip Bali 2024
komodo labuan bajo - 4
Trip Waerebo 2024
Trip Raja Ampat 2024
Trip Bali 2024

Popular Tour 2025

Open Trip Komodo     1/2/3-Day Trip

from IDR 1,450,000
Tour Komodo 1D/2D/3D Open Trip definitely departs every Day for 1D, (Mon-Wed) and (Fri-Sat) for 3D2N. The most recomended Boats.

Waerebo     2-Day Trip

from IDR 1.850.000
Open trip waerebo and private trip waerebo 2 Days 1 Night. Even if there are only 2 people, the trip will definitely depart. For private trip waerebo, you are free to request the date.


Tour Sumba     4 / 5-Day Trip

from IDR 2.990.000
Explore Sumba by joining Sumba Open Trip or Private Trip Sumba for 4 Days and 5 Days. Visit the main destinations of Sumba Island



Blackbeard Boat

  • capacity 12 Pax | 5 Rooms
  • from 4,250,000 / pax

Barakati Cruise

  • capacity 12 pax | 5 Rooms
  • from 4,750,000 / pax


  • capacity 20 pax | 8 Rooms
  • from 5,250,000 / pax

Popular Hotels in Labuan Bajo

CLICK HERE for all hotels in Labuan Bajo! Cheapest guarantee. CLICK CLICK CLICK

Loccal Collection Hotel

KLIK DISINI! Jaminan Harga Termurah.


KLIK DISINI! Jaminan Harga Termurah.


KLIK DISINI! Jaminan Harga Termurah


KLIK DISINI! Jaminan Harga Termurah

Need help? Call our award-winning support team 24/7 at +62 8222 0746 222

reviews Salam Ransel

I have used tour guides, but Salam Ransel is the best, all the crew are very kind and friendly, can be invited to have fun together, amazing experience!
Thank you Salam Ransel! Can’t wait for another trip?

Vicky Antoni

Because I was cheated by another travel agency, so at first I was still a little insecure when I was asked to pay on 7 days (due to past trauma.. hahaha)…. Butiii, it turns out that SALAMRANSEL is the best lah… It’s REAL and NO FRAUD.. very recommended for who you look for the travel agency… the driver is hilarious and the tour guide is hilarious… don’t you regret choosing SALAMRANSEL? For advice: keep the quality that is already ok and improve it even more to make it even better?

Felita Febryana

2nd time trip with salam ransel! always puaasss.. really thoughtful bener2 arrange itinerary that can be in accordance with our wishes.. although the Sumba trip this time was not guided by mas ovel, but mas ovel delegated a super cool and experienced driver & tour guide! can’t wait to trip to East Sumba again using salam ransel! thank you salam ransel!

Margaretha Yuanita

I had private trip with Salam Ransel to Labuan Bajo this September. And definitely i can say, this is the best trip i ever had. They arrange our trip very well, start from picked us up until dropped us to airport, everything perfect! It was so fun and so memorable <3 Can’t wait to have another trip with Salam Ransel

Vania Bertha

Itinerary dari salam ransel oke banget. Bisa di sesuaikan juga dengan keinginan peserta tour. Tour guide-nya super kece dlm perkembangan jaman. Ga pernah liat tour guide yang bisa operasikan semua jenis kamera dengan sangat baik, dan hasil2 foto dan video yg memuaskan yang bisa di bawa pulang sebagai kenangan. Boat yg bersih untuk tempat tinggal 3hari2mlm di kapal pun jadi nilai plus, ditambah lagi makanan enak yg disediakan. Tour guide juga selalu standby kalau kita butuh bantuan mendaki atau snorkling. Pokoknya oke banget. Super rekomended untuk tour ke daerah timur.. 🙂

jenita darmento

Communication was so easy, they organized everything so well until we got to the boat. The service, staff, the boat, the entire trip was amazing, well-organized, clean and something I would recommend to everyone! I will definitely do trips with Salam Ransel again! Great team!!

Sahara Hertzke


SALAMRANSEL has become an official partner with several vessels in Labuan Bajo and Raja Ampat to become a Phinisi / Yacht Charter agent. Booking with us, get a very memorable experience and complete travel documentation while you sail on the best islands in Indonesia.